Water Colour Painting

Do you remember when it was so fun as a kid to dip your brush in water, swirl it around a colour palette and then stroke it on some plain paper (even though the paint looks so watered down that you have to keep layering it with more strokes). Well, you can actually learn more expert techniques to help you produce more sophisticated work now that your fine motor skills have evolved. Here are some brush holding tips to help you produce brilliant work:

  • Closer!: It is best to hold your brush close to the bristles for more detailed strokes.
  • On the Top: Looking to produce more loose strokes, try holding the tip of the brush at the top for those effortless loose swirls and strokes.
  • Stroke Away From You: Stroke the brush away from you for feather like strokes. Use your whole arm rather than just your forearm.
  • Stroke On The Side: For more dense and thick strokes, use the side of the brush to create logs and mountains.

Using all this brushing techniques will also help you get the hang of moderating the amount of pigment as you collect the colour from the palette.

There is something magical watching someone use waterpaint to craft a beautiful image or even, carefree as you paint yourself. Give the tips a go and see whether they worked for you as they did for me.